This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your weekly dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
16 Elevating Resolutions for 2016 Inspired by Some of Humanity’s Greatest Minds on Brain Pickings. „Cultivate honorable relationships, resist absentminded busyness, tell the world how to treat you, embrace enoughness, and more.“ What a great list. One of my favorites is #6.
A Simple Year, 12 months of guided simplicity, each month with a different topic focus, a course offered by some of my favorite people. Registration is open until January 31.
Let 2016 be the year of the JOMO, a great cartoon from The Oatmeal. I’m in!
Tips for Properly Inserting a USB Cable on McSweeney’s, funny because it’s true.
How to Establish a Daily Practice Of Almost Anything, in Six Steps. So simple, so smart. Number 2 is one of my favorite hints.
36 Things I Know After 36 Years of Marriage. As a person in a long-term marriage (22 years and counting), I really appreciate this one. And in related news, How To Keep Loving Someone.
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Quesadillas recipe. I’ve talked about these a lot, eaten them even more often. You really should try them—so good. P.S. I double the spices for the potatoes, because they are so yummy, and top the whole thing with sour cream, salsa, and avocado.
4 Principles That Guide My Year from Laura Simms. I love #3.
Austin Kleon’s latest newsletter. I was collecting a few things from this list to share with you, but I gave up when I realized the whole thing was too good not to share.
15 Ways to Simplify Your Life (and Finances) Before the End of 2015 from Blonde on a Budget. Just reading this list makes me feel calmer.
Ylvis—a capella, a hilarious spoof of a type of performance that I secretly adore.
A Stunning New Video: Stop. Look. Go. A „stunning, short film of un-hurried, un-plugged summer days with family and friends, beautifully illustrating Br. David’s simple ‚Stop. Look. Go.‘ grateful living practice.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.