Wanderlust 108 Los Angeles - Important Information

We’re so excited for Wanderlust 108 Los Angeles, and we hope you are too!

Read on for information you need to know before you arrive.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

9:30 AM – 5:00 PM PST

Registration opens at 9:30 AM! Upon your arrival to the Santa Monica Pier, look for directional signage pointing to the Check In tents to pick up your stick-on bib. You will be able to check your bag and yoga mat while you run.

The triathlon is split into two groups:
Group A – Run first // Yoga second
Group B – Yoga first // Run second

Check your Order Summary to see which group you are in!


Santa Monica Pier
200 Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica, CA 90401


 Click to view larger.



We highly recommend giving yourself extra time for parking, so plan ahead for a stress-free day.

A website with the City’s real-time parking information is available here.
CLICK HERE to reserve a parking space now using the Park Me app.

City Lots: There are many parking lots and garages in Santa Monica that you can choose from, but if you are staying for just a short time, the best place to park is at any of the city owned lots. You get the first 90 minutes FREE.

Beach Parking: The parking lots along the beach offer reasonable flat parking rates, but they fill up fast.  If the lots are full, we recommend parking near 3rd street, which is within easy walking distance to the beach and pier.

Street Parking: Santa Monica has a lot of metered parking in the area.  Meters typically charge $1 – $2 per hour with a 2-hour time limit.  This 2-hour time limit is a strict parking maximum for Santa Monica streets.  Parking in the same spot for more than 2 hours is not permitted so be sure to keep an eye on the time.


  • Bring your photo ID and PDF ticket, printed or digital, to check in upon arrival.
  • Please remember to come prepared with your sneakers and a yoga mat!
  • We want you to enjoy the sun, but stay safe in it, too. Since you’ll be outdoors, don’t forget your sunscreen, sunglasses, hat and reusable water bottle.
  • If you want to store your mat and belongings during the run, you’re welcome to bring a backpack. See below for more info on bag check.


Bag check will be available for all attendees, though all items must be contained in a bag in order to be checked, and you will need to provide your bag check ticket number to redeem your items. You’re welcome to pick up your items after the yoga class.

If you’re in Group A and running first, head to Bag Check to check your gear before the run! Be sure to grab your headphones or anything you need to run before dropping it off. If you’re a speed demon, please be mindful of the yoga in session when you return from the run!

If you’re in Group B and practicing yoga first, roll out your mat to save your spot after checking in! Once class is over, head to bag check to check your gear before the run.

(Wanderlust is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.)


9:30 AM  Check in + Gear Check
10:00 AM  Kula Market Opens
11:00 AM  5K Run OR Yoga with Tiffany Cruikshank + MC Yogi
12:00 – 1:00 PM  Break
1:00 – 2:00 PM   Run OR Yoga with Tiffany Cruikshank + MC Yogi
2:00 – 2:30 PM  Break
2:30 – 3:00 PM      Meditation with Noah Levine
3:00 – 5:00 PM           AcroYoga + Hooping + More




We strive to create community, and we want you to be part of it. Share your Wanderlust 108 experience with #Wanderlust108, #Wanderlust2015, #runyogameditate, and #FindYourTrueNorth on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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