Essence of Living

Official Website

With our inspiring teachers guiding supportive and dynamic classes we aim to ignite people’s vitality, reveal their infinite potential, and open their hearts illuminating the world around them.


A c c o u n t a b i l i t y – We expect each of us to do what we say we will do, to meet commitments, and be dependable and responsible.

H o l i s m – We honour the mind, body, heart, and spirit in each individual knowing the need to balance and blend all these elements. In our programming, we encourage authenticity as a means to build trust, and as essential to the growth and development of the whole.

I n t e g r i t y – In business and in relationships we conduct ourselves with honesty, fairness, truth, candour, and respect. We treat others as we ourselves, would want to be treated. We focus on the collective good.

S e r v i c e – We value the practice of service and what it teaches us about ourselves and our relation to others. Our participants are here to experience the world in new ways. We are attuned to, and care about their experience, needs, and expectations. We treat each other with similar grace.

S i m p l i c i t y – We strive for clear, direct, and unambiguous communication. We seek true underlying meaning and employ spiritual guidance in that quest. In this way, we work to make sense of the complexities of modern life.

S u s t a i n a b i l i t y – We consider the impact of our actions. We advocate for fairness in the treatment of all species, make decisions for the common good, and encourage activism as a means to social justice. Our facilities are grounded in the awareness of our relationship to the environment. We endeavour to have our work in the world be self-sustaining.

T e a m w o r k – We work together, inclusively, collaboratively, with energy, intention, and commitment. We keep each other informed, share what we are thinking and doing, and expect the same in return.

W e l c o m i n g – We invite people to find space here to feel safe, to create community, to feel at home, and to find nourishment. Our environment is nurturing, relaxing, stimulating, and inspiring.