A version of this list originally appeared on A Thousand Shades of Gray.
December Reflections with Susannah Conway. „This project has no real rules—the idea is to simply take a photograph every day(ish) for the whole of December. That’s it. Pause, look around you and shoot what you see. Reflect on how the year’s gone down. Enjoy a bit of mindful creativity in the run up to the new year.“ 31 photo prompts, three ways to share your pictures. I’m in!
An Ancient Chinese Ginkgo Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
29 Playlists To Listen To When Everything Sucks. I haven’t listened to any of these yet because I can’t stop listening to Adele’s new album, but when I do, I will.
F*ck That: A Guided Meditation. This has been floating around for a bit, and I finally listened to it. *gigglesnort*
Jimmy Fallon, Adele & The Roots Sing „Hello“ (with Classroom Instruments). I’m obsessed. Seriously: my brain = all Adele, all the time. Her voice here gives me goosebumps.
75 inspiring gratitude prompts from Positively Present. These would be great journal prompts or conversation starters.
The World Will Be Saved By Waffles, a beautiful post by Erica Staab, which she ends with, „When we can offer a soft place to land for those we love, when we can share with one another our little acts of love, we light up the world. And we could all use a little more light in the world.“
Pet Every Single Dog. This event on Facebook is so perfect. I’m in!
Wisdom from Jeff Foster, „Heaven is this moment. Hell is the burning desire for this moment to be different. It’s that simple.“ It’s also that complicated.
Love List Selfie, a little project and short interview I did with my dear friend Sherry Richert Belul.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.