Find Your True North

The Twoks


This Melbourne-based musical duo of Xani Kolac (electric violin/vocals) and Mark Leahy (drums) are a delight to watch. Having played together for over three years now, their dynamic Electric violin and percussion combination is truly one of a kind. Versatile and energetic live performers, Xani and Mark are as happy performing to a sit-down audience as to a rowdy pub crowd.

“We don’t play sad music. We don’t play folk or gypsy or classical or anything you’d usually associate with a violin, we’re doing happy, feel-good dance music.”

Their influences are mostly life’s adventures, but musically-speaking, the duo listen to a lot of Sigur Ros, Kate Bush, Phoenix, Leonard Cohen, Martin Hayes/Dennis Cahil and Pat Benatar – anything good, really.

“We are at our best when we’re right on the edge. Once things start getting predictable, it’s time to throw something new into the mix,” evolution being central to The Twoks’ ethos.