Sama is a modern yogi, juggling motherhood, running bhuti an eco wellbeing escape, and living the practices she teaches. ‘Sama’ means balance and this is something her continued struggle to find informs her sharing of the ancient wisdom of all yogic practices in an easy to understand and adopt way. Not born or raised in India, not formerly a dancer or gymnast (she was the most inflexible kid at school) and not particularly disciplined.
The path to becoming a yoga teacher and therapist was challenging and is ongoing. It hasn’t come easy and her journey has inspired her to create a centre – ‘bhuti’ which offers yoga, meditation, other fitness classes, a community space, treatment and cafe. As she passionately believes that the yogic way of life can help everyone, no matter how old or in what shape. She has trained with teachers from the Sivananda, Iyengar and Vinniyoga traditions and has completed over 1500 hours of yoga and yoga therapy training. bhuti breathe+flow – is a blend of hatha yoga, incorporating breathwork (pranayama), flowing therapeutic postures and mantra. They increase energy, reduce stress held in the body and mind, and offer you a sense of coming ‘home’ to that part of you which is always at peace, full of love and deeply content.