Levi Banner
Yogi, Astrologer, Breathwork Facilitator, Ecstatic Dancer, Retired Breakdancer, Tantrika, Shaman, Chocolate Lover, Lover of Life!
Levi serves as pillar of support for spiritual seekers that pass by his presence. He sees himself as both a guide and more-so always a student. He studies Ashtanga Yoga every day with his teachers Prem and Radha Carlisi in Bali and he teaches at the world renowned Yoga Barn in Ubud. He studies Pranayama with Sri O.P. Tiwari in India and is certified to teach through him and Kaivaladham, the first ever yoga research center. He studies breathwork and shamanic arts with Linda Star Wolf and is a level two Shamanic Breathwork facilitator through her and Venus Rising Association for Transformation. Mentored by Daniel Giamario Levi has his associates degree in Shamanic Astrology and serves on the Board of Directors for the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.
Levi finds his purpose sharing what he learns in an approachable and powerful way.